Mission: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Grand Rapids Timberline



EDITOR: Arlene Wheaton, Arlene@honeybearwoods.com (218) 232-4989

Volume 42, Issue 8           May 2018

May 21 Dinner Meeting & Program

Location: Ruttger’s, Sugar Lake, 37548 Otis Lane
BUSINESS MTG: 6:30 PM       PROGRAM: 6:45 PM
MENU:  Shore Lunch Walleye, Bacon Brandy Creamed Chicken, Couscous with Sun-dried Tomatoes & Spinach, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Wild Rice, Fresh Vegetable and Chef’s Choice Dessert

Professional Humor
Speaker: Dr. Lisa Anderson, DDS, Grand Dental Center

Dr. Lisa Johnson is a dentist, business owner, musician, mother, smiling as she embraces life.  She is a native of northeastern Montana where she grew up in a musical family and enjoyed music all through her school years. She received her undergraduate degree from Concordia College in Moorhead, where she sang in the Concordia Choir.

In 1989, she received her Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from the University of Minnesota School of Dentistry. She first came to Grand Rapids in 2001 to practice with Dr. Mike Nielsen.  Her current practice is Grand Dental Center. She continues to be involved in choir at Zion Lutheran Church and has been a performer in the Summer Concert Series.  She is the busy mother of two sons.

**Reservations due to Deanna Ensley by end of business day, Fri., May 11. Call 301-0315, or text (360) 333-0228 (cell) or email deannaensley@yahoo.com 
PLEASE NOTE: RSVP’s are extremely important for the May meeting. If you RSVP and do not attend, you should plan on paying for the dinner, regardless. Please be mindful about your RSVP for this special night out!

NEED A RIDE?  Please let Deanna know if you need a ride to Ruttger’s when you RSVP. Deanna will make arrangements after she receives the RSVP’s.

Our annual DUES are due!
From Cheryl Vogel, Treasurer

Dues for this next fiscal year, 2018-2019, are $85 (National: $59; State: $9; Local: $13).  The national dues have been increased by $10.00 for next year.  Payment is due by June 30, 2018. 

FREE MEMBERSHIP DRAWING! Members who pay their dues by or at the May 21st branch meeting will be eligible for a drawing to be reimbursed $85. The drawing will take place at our May meeting. You don’t need to be present to win.

If you won’t be at our May meeting, mail your dues to Cheryl Vogel, 20401 Mishawaka Shores Dr., Grand Rapids, MN 55744.

Paying your dues promptly is greatly appreciated!


We stand on the shoulders of those who come before us. My parents taught me owning your own business has its own rewards and it requires a can-do attitude.”

Pam Friesen (from her April 16 AAUW presentation)

Our Scholarship Winners . . .

Jean Hoshal shared information on our 2018 AAUW scholarship winners. Each received $1,000. Congratulations to each!

Itasca Community College Scholarship: Felicia Reinke, non-traditional student of Applied Psychology.  She is working to be a sexual abuse advocate and is currently completing a practicum with Advocates for Family Peace/Wellstone Safety Center.

GRACF (Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation:  Angela Thomas is about to begin studies this summer for her master's  at Hazelden and works full time at present.  She already has a B.A. in Psychology and her goal is to be a licensed mental health counselor specializing in addiction.

Notes from the Food Chair

We will be at the registration table at our May 21 meeting signing up volunteers to help with the set-up and clearing of the tables for our meetings in Sept., Oct., Nov., Jan., Feb., March and April. We will also be asking for volunteers for the summer months to help with bringing bars, serving coffee, etc.  Thank you in advance for signing up.

New interest groups can be started by any member at any time.  They can be all yearlong or for a month or any amount of time.  The interest group should be "somewhat related to our mission."

Sat., May 5, 12 pm:  Tour of Klockow Brewery with a $15 fee, which includes a pint of beer, a sample glass for tastings during the tour, and at the end of the tour you get a glass to keep for a sample of your choice of beer.  Usually you don't need to RSVP for Exploring Our Community events, but this time we do need an approximate number so thanks for letting me know in advance. Call 218-360-9743 or email cyndy.agle@gmail.com  NOTE: Many of you have already let me know that you will be attending--you do not need to RSVP again.

Fri., June 1, 6-9 pm: Juliet Jones has contacted MacRostie about the First Friday event in June.  It is a canvas/wine event for $35/person. The instructor will guide you from start to finish through the creation of a painting to take home with you.  No art experience is required. Drinks are available for purchase and there are plenty of breaks to socialize. Water and appetizers are provided. Sign-ups need to be done in advance at the MacRostie in person or go to https://macrostieartcenter.org/   Classes fill up quickly.

Watch for upcoming Exploring Our Community events this summer. Marj Lavalier is setting up Ghost Tours through the Historical Society.  Deanna Ensley is going to let us know when the massive amount of lady slippers are in bloom on the way to Robideau CCC Camp off Hwy. 2, where we can have a tour of the camp and picnic lunch.  Approximate time would be the end of June, will let you know. Juliet Jones is arranging for a tour of the Synagogue in Virginia, the Greyhound Bus Museum in Hibbing and lunch. It will be a daylong field trip. Cyndy Agle is setting up a tour of Tammy Horton's art studio showing how she makes custom jewelry from sustainably sourced or repurposed raw materials.

LITERATURE – Wednesday group

This group meets at 10:30 am on 2nd Wednesday, Grand Rapids Area Library River Room, September-May.  Contact is Barbara Zimmer, 327-0911 or kbzimmer@q.com
May 9:  The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane by Lisa See
We will choose book titles for Sept-May at this meeting. Bring titles that you are excited to read.

LITERATURE – Monday group
Group meets on 1st Monday at 10:00 AM at Grand Rapids State Bank Annex.  Contact is Jan Hill, 246-979 or jmhgkh@paulbunyan.net
May 7: Commonwealth by Ann Patchett. Leader: Jan Bilden
June 4:  Best Boy by Eli Gottlieb. Leader: Sharon Quern

The Common Good is a hot topic. We will be hearing much about this subject in the times to come. Corporations were initially started to provide for the common good. New politics and governing are started for the common good.  How do we define the common good?  Who decides?

Currently there is a lot of talk/writing/discussion about the common good.  If you have time and money you could get the new book by Robert Reich called The Common Good (184 pages).  Another small book by Karen Olson Johnson is called Common Sense for Common Good.  It is old, so look online for it. Also search TED talks, YouTube, website articles. Ask at the library for suggestions too.

The business section of the Star Tribune carries articles about the common good or about the work of the boards of directors of companies, nonprofits, banks, churches, etc. I will bring some articles I have clipped for us. If you do not find anything, come and we will talk about it. I will be at the meeting room by 3 PM if you want to come and read some short interesting articles I have copied.  This may be the last meeting for the year, or we can decide to meet one more time in June.  The understanding about common good for our country and time is a big issue that will be fun to talk and learn about. Bring your own beverage and there will be treats.

AAUW is currently urging members to go online to www.aauw.org  to vote for on three issues of governance.  One is whether or not to change the traditional amount of education as a requirement for membership (our branch has used a loose definition of this requirement in the past few years). Also there is a questionnaire about how and what we want for our work to promote the status of women in work, education, opportunities, pay, etc. If you have a portable iPad or computer, bring it to the meeting and we can share what we find and discuss the changes.  Marilyn will be glad to loan her Common Good books, so call her at 326-6775.

The group is still meeting on Tuesdays at 1:00 pm, but will switch to Wednesday morning at 9:00 am when it gets warmer. If you get the group emails and are no longer interested in walking, please contact Karen Karls k.karls@yahoo.com  or 326-2053. Also let Karen know if you were a snowbird and want to rejoin the list.

January - March 2018 - THIRD Quarter Financial Summary - Fiscal Year 2017-2018
(Based upon 03.14.2017 Bank Statement)             Reviewed & Approved by Finance Committee – 04.09.18

v  103 paid members

v Total Cash on Hand:  $9,415.14

·          General Checking Account:  $7,713.29;   Savings Account: $ 1,701.85

v  Total Income Third Quarter:  $1,188.94

·         Income:  Meeting Fees: $1,106; Travel Treasures: $32; Checking Account Interest: $0.94; Individual donations: $50.00.

v Total Expenses Third Quarter:  $ 785.40

·         Expenses:  Dinner Expenses:  $708.00; Meeting Room Rental:  $75; Misc. Expenses: $02.40.

v Third Quarter Net Revenue (Profit):  $480.86

·         Year to Date Net Revenue: ($3,140.05)
o   The loss is $1,661.05 more than budgeted but dues for next year collected in this fiscal year should reduce the loss.

v YTD Total Donations in Fiscal Year 2017-2018:  $0

·         $150 (Individual donations have not yet been dispersed.
o   Donated funds to be distributed by year-end.  $902 current amount.


v  Local Scholarship Itasca Community College Foundation: $30,232 (as of 06.30.2016)     
·         $   30,161 – Endowment:  Permanently restricted funds
o   ($10,573 moved from temporarily restricted to permanently restricted)
·         $   3,000 - Temporarily restricted funds: Non-endowed

v  Community Foundation: Grand Rapids AAUW (as of 02.16.2018)                         

                    Anniversary Scholarship:                    $ 31,752.17

·         GRACF (Endowed Fund):              $ 30,184.06      
·         GRACF (non-endowed):                $     1, 568.11      

From AAUW CEO Kimberly Churches on national survey:

We need your input on the draft strategic plan but the clock is ticking! 
Only ONE MORE DAY LEFT to provide your input on the DRAFT AAUW strategic plan.

Survey collection closes at 6:00 p.m. ET on Tuesday, May 1.
We appreciate for your input on this very important survey,

FYI, I completed the survey in about 7-8 min. It was interesting to see proposed new taglines, strategic plans for improving the lives of women. – Arlene Wheaton

April 16, 2018, United Methodist Church

Marva Jean Hutchens welcomed everyone to the April 16, 2018 Grand Rapids Branch AAUW meeting. She announced the book sale and traveling treasures scholarship fundraisers. She thanked the caterer for the food and said there will be a board meeting before the regular May 21, 2018 meeting at Ruttger’s.

The nominating committee made a motion to elect the slate of officers by unanimous vote, seconded by Marilyn Rossman. The officers elected are the following: Co-presidents, Deanna Ensley and Cyndy Agle; Secretary, Jan Miland; Vice President for Membership, Gayle Coyer; Co-vice Presidents for Program, Jan Bilden and Ellen Edvenson; and Treasurer, Cheryl Vogel. These officers will begin their terms on July 1, 2018.

The new caterer is Rochelle from Nana Chell’s. The price for the October, November, March and April meals will be $15.

Dates to remember: September 15, 2018, AAUW Regional Gathering; and April 2019, our Branch is hosting the state convention in Grand Rapids.

Karen Karls introduced speaker, Pamela Friesen CNP.

Respectfully submitted by Jan Miland, secretary

AAUW MINNESOTA www.aauwmn.net