Mission: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Sunday, September 4, 2022


Grand Rapids Timberline

       Volume 47, Issue 1            September 2022

NEWS FOR AND ABOUT                



EDITOR: Arlene Wheaton, 


(218) 232-4989

MISSION: AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through research education and advocacy. 

September 19 Dinner Program

Location: United Methodist Church
Social/Registration: 5:00-5:45 pm       Dinner: 5:45-6:30 PM 
Business Meeting: 6:30 pm       Program: 7:00 pm

TOPIC: Reflections from the Polish-Ukrainian Border: Impacts on Women

PRESENTER: Bernadine Joselyn, Former Diplomat at U.S. Embassy in Russia

Bernadine spent 10 years living and working in Russia, including as a diplomat at the U.S. Embassy. This spring she travelled to the Polish-Ukraine border to assist war evacuees. A native Minnesotan, Bernadine is the former Director of Public Policy & Engagement at Blandin Foundation.

MENU: Sweet & Sour Chicken over Rice, Green Beans, Roll, Apple Dumpling w Ice Cream

Food Chair: Gayle Coyer
Food Committee: Norma Eppinga, Judy MacAlpine, Sharon Quern

**RSVP to AAUWRSVPGrandRapids@gmail.com by Mon., Sept. 12.

Financial support for Marcell Research Center

From Nancy Raymond

Join us around 4:30 pm on Sept. 19 before our AAUW meeting for a letter-writing campaign to support the work of the Marcell Research Center and the SPRUCE Project, an experiment to assess the response of northern peatland ecosystems to climate change. Sharon Quern and I will have envelopes available (bring your own stamps) and a form letter for you to add comments. See form letter attached to this email (best to open on your computer) and make as many copies as you wish. On page 27 of our AAUW directory, check out names and addresses for legislators you wish to contact. Thank you!

President’s Message

As summer comes to an end, I spend as much time as I can, as I'm sure many of you do, enjoying flowers and gardens that are still in bloom or other outside activities.  It's time to start cleaning up and putting away patio and yard décor and get ready for the beautiful fall season. 

We had many well-attended summer activities.  The new Grand Rapids Fire Hall seemed to be a big hit. We had a large group attend. Our Branch was graciously invited to ICC's 100th Anniversary program, and we had five members attend the celebration. FYI, ICC’s new name is Minnesota North-Itasca.

The walking group visited a couple of interesting exhibits, on one walk they stopped to view Dewey Goodwin working on his most recent sculpture along the river, and on another at the Grand Rapids Library, they stopped to make some music at the musical installation. The Exploring our Community group visited the Spruce Peatland Under Changing Environments Experimental Forest (SPRUCE) center in Marcell in mid-August.

A special thank you to Cathy Davies for hosting, and the ladies who helped her set up and clean up, our summer potluck. What a wonderful evening: great weather, great food, and great friends!

We have received the registration flyer for the Northland Get Together 2022 (see email attachment). This will be held in Baxter at the Northland Arboretum from 9:30 am to 2:30 pm. I will have a few copies of the registration flyer at our September meeting. The registration is due by September 30. Carpooling may be an option.

We are still in need of a volunteer or volunteers to edit our monthl1y newsletter. It would be terrible for our newsletter to be discontinued, which would likely be the case if we don't find any volunteers to take it over. Arlene is more than happy to give a little coaching to get you started.

Thank you all for your continued support.  I look forward to an exciting year serving as president.

Laurie Clausen, President

**Newsletter EDITOR needed!

From Marj Lavalier, Nominating Committee

As we’ve announced, Arlene Wheaton is moving to the Brainerd area in mid-September and will no longer be producing the newsletter after this fall. So, we need a member to step up and take on this role.

The newsletter is the perfect and best way to stay informed and connected with all the information about our very active AAUW group. It’s generally produced monthly except for July and August, but issues could be combined as needed for two months liked November-December to suit the newsletter editor’s schedule.

This volunteer role is mostly an editing job. Board members and members contribute the information to be passed on in the newsletter.

Arlene is willing to share all her information and skills with the next newsletter editor; contact her at 218-232-4989 with questions.

If you have an interest in volunteering as newsletter editor, please contact me at 218-689-2253 or gloriestoast@gmail.com


The Brainerd Lakes Area AAUW Branch invites you to the Northland Get Together 2022 on Sat., Oct. 8.

The program is taking place at the Northland Arboretum,1 4250 Conservation Dr., Baxter. Directions: From North: Take Excelsior Rd exit to the left off 371, Arboretum 3-4 blocks on left; or From East: From Washington St./Hwy 210, turn right on NW 4th St. at Walgreen’s, then take the roundabout to the left/west to Excelsior, Arboretum 3-4 blocks on right.

Getting together with our branch cohorts is FUN and a time for inspiration. Our primary focus is on understanding indigenous and immigrant women's experiences from both a historical perspective and a personal “her-story”.  The presenters are passionate advocates for improved cultural connections. How do we as individuals and an AAUW branch “SPARK” action to use our knowledge to create a better history / “her-story” for future generations?

Good food, making new friends, learning and leading about women's equity issues, including viewing colorful flowers, an Arboretum walk, and door prizes are all part of the Northland Get Together 2022 event. Registration with the form attached to this email is due Sept. 30. The cost is $35, which includes morning snack and lunch.

Travel Treasures
From Marlys Mestemacher and Norma Eppinga

We will be having TRAVEL TREASURES at each meeting. Please bring back some item from your adventures, even those close to home, so members can purchase a chance to win.

All money collected goes directly to our Scholarship Fund. At our wonderful picnic at Cathy Davies’ home, we raised $28! Thanks to all of you.

“Listening to others, especially those with whom we disagree, tests our own ideas and beliefs. It forces us to recognize, with humility, that we don’t have a monopoly on the truth.”  

 Janet Yellen, US Treasury Secretary & Economist

 Sunshine & Caring

By Cyndy Agle

If any member of AAUW needs a bit of sunshine because of illness or a sympathy card, please let me know and I will send a card from AAUW. Contact me at cyndy.agle@gmail.com



The group goes on outings to area organizations and activities. Contact is Cyndy Agle, cyndy.agle@gmail.com

Monday, Sept. 26, 3:30 pm, Faith Wick Dolls & Fairyland

A presentation of History & Dolls by Faith’s daughter, Heidi Wick, 2nd floor Central School. A $5 donation is requested.


The Monday Morning Lit Group will meet on Sept. 12 at Majestic Pines in the private dining room at 9:30 am to discuss “The Sentence” by Louise Erdrich. Because Majestic Pines only takes reservations for the private dining room one to two months in advance, we will have to determine our meeting place month by month. We hope that we can continue to meet there, but residents and their families have priority use of the facility. For more information, contact Nancy Salmi @ 218-326-3147 or nsalmi@earthlink.net


Deanna Ensley has decided to attempt organizing a new Public Policy group. The hope was to announce a basic plan at the regular September Branch meeting.

However, Deanna has a family matter to attend to that afternoon into the evening.

Deanna will attempt to be at the Methodist Church by the meeting’s conclusion for a short announcement about a planning/introduction meeting of possible new and different directions, such as expanded community-building activities, promotion of young women in the community and at the college(s), AAUW’s Work Smart Program, etc.

If you have an interest in a more action-based group, including discussion of what and how we will move forward, please think about letting Deanna know of your interest and wait for more specifics. You can reach Deanna at (360) 333-0228 or at deannaensley@yahoo.com


We are still on the summer schedule of walking on Wednesday at 9 AM. The locations change from week to week. The group is open to new members interested in walking. If you would like to join us, send your email and cell number to Karen Karls at k.karls@yahoo.com

You will receive an email with the weekly walk location. Members walk when they can or want to; no need to RSVP. We generally walk for about an hour and may gather for coffee after the walk.

If the weather is dreadful, we may cancel and will let you know. However, we are a hardy group of women who value the fresh air and exercise as well as companionship.

As it gets cooler, the schedule switches to Tuesdays at 1 pm.

Treasurer’s Report for FY 2021-22

By Julie Skallman

Thank you all for the wonderful financial support you give to our branch allowing us to support scholarships.  Because of the money collected from Travel Treasures, the used book sales, the holiday raffle and many individual donations, we sponsored two local scholarships: one through the ICC Foundation and another through the Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation.  In addition, we sponsored two scholarships for the STEM program at ICC for middle and high school girls, plus $100 toward snacks during the activities.  

We deposited just over $1,500 into our GRACF Anniversary Scholarship fund to ensure that we will have funds for our 2023 scholarship even if the stock market continues to lose value.

From our normal operations funds the Board sent $500 to the National AAUW Greatest Needs Fund. This fund allows AAUW to quickly address emerging issues.

Thank you all for your continued support!

Grand Rapids AAUW Board Meeting Minutes

August 22, 2022, United Methodist Church 

Laurie Clausen, incoming president opened the meeting.  Board members introduced themselves and their respective offices.  Attendees included Laurie Clausen, Julie Skallman, Cyndy Agle, Marj Lavalier, Karen Karls, Norma Eppinga, Dianne Anderson, Janis Johnson, Kathleen Spencer, Helen Ahlbrecht, Elaine Thorstenson and Jan Bilden.

Secretary’s report:  Minutes read and approved.  Motion made by Karen Karls and seconded by Cyndy Agle. (Included correct spelling for Colleen Nardone.)

Treasurer’s report:  The Treasurer’s report included a revised July 1, 2022, balance of $8266.43. The August 16th, 2022, balance was $6098.88. The branch currently has 77 paid members. Kathy Pliska audited the FY 21-22 books and approved them.

Nominating Committee:  Marj Lavalier reported Vicki Holstrom will replace Arlene Wheaton in preparing the annual directory. Strategies were discussed to recruit a replacement as editor for the monthly online newsletter.

Programs:  Kathleen and Jan reviewed the upcoming programs for FY22-23. The Christmas fundraiser’s theme is “Eat Your Words.” Elaine is waiting to hear from Forest Lake Steakhouse before confirming a reservation.  She is also considering the Steakhouse and Ruttgers Sugar Lake Lodge for our spring banquet. 

Candidate Forum: Julie, Deanna and Colleen have discussed possible mid-September dates and forums for only local candidates. They will keep the board informed of their progress.

AAUW Funds:  Travel Treasures will continue as our monthly fundraisers and book sales will be held in October and April. There will be a drawing in September for a AAUW tote bag.

Educational Opportunity and Scholarship:  Five branch members attended the ICC 100th Anniversary Program.

Announcements:  Thank-you notes and flyers will be printed. Registration for the fall gathering in Brainerd will be available online.  Interested members will be responsible for the $35 registration fee. However, mileage will be paid. Exploring our community will be held on Sept. 26 at Old Central School and the program will be on Faith Wick Dolls.

The motion was made and approved to close the meeting. Motion made by Kathleen Spencer and seconded by Julie Skallman.

Minutes respectfully submitted by

Dianne Anderson, Secretary

Websites for local, state and national AAUW information:
Our Grand Rapids AAUW blog: http://grandrapidsaauw.blogspotcom/
MN AAUW website: 
National AAUW website: 



AAUW MINNESOTA www.aauwmn.net