Mission: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Sunday, September 2, 2018



EDITOR: Arlene Wheaton, Arlene@honeybearwoods.com (218) 232-4989
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Grand Rapids Timberline

cid:image002.jpg@01D0FEE8.4DEEFC80Volume 43, Issue 1                       September 2018

President’s Message

Thank you for the opportunity to serve as co-president with Deanna Ensley for the next 2 years.  It is an honor to be a part of an organization that supports lifelong learning and provides scholarships for women and girls.  We have a great group of members and looking forward to working with our productive and creative Board.

Our branch will have the busiest year in our 69-year history.  On Sept. 15, we will be hosting the AAUW Regional Fall Gathering with Ely, Duluth, Hibbing, Virginia and the Brainerd members attending.  On April 26 and 27, we will be hosting the annual Minnesota AAUW Convention at Timberlake Lodge, which we have not hosted since 1982.  It will be a very exciting year!

A little on my AAUW background:  I joined AAUW in 2010 when we were seasonal and in 2014 we moved here permanently. I moved to an area where I knew no one (and had never lived in Minnesota), and AAUW has been a great way to meet new people and make new friends. The second day we were here I looked online to see what organizations were in Grand Rapids and I saw AAUW.  The contact was Nancy Raymond, who was president at the time.  I called Nancy and she told me about the organization, branch interest and study groups and she invited me to the upcoming meeting. I joined and have been active ever since.  Nancy was a great ambassador and I hope to do the same for others who have an interest in AAUW.
I look forward to working with everyone over the next two years. Thank you to all who agreed to serve on the Board.

AAUW Mission Statement: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research.   We are so fortunate to have such a strong and active group in Grand Rapids to help fulfill this mission.  

Cyndy Agle, Co-President

Regional AAUW Fall Gathering, Saturday, September 15
9-10 AM Continental breakfast - 10 AM Program - 12 PM Lunch
Kiesler Wellness Center (behind Walmart)

The annual fall gathering event for NE Minnesota AAUW branches includes Grand Rapids, Ely, Duluth, Brainerd, Hibbing and Virginia branches. We will be hosting the event this year at the Kiesler Wellness Center. Lilah Crowe, executive director of the Itasca Historical Society, will speak on the 100-year-old picture "Grace" - a world-famous portrait by an artist from Bovey, MN.  We will also have a speaker from the Kiesler Wellness Center. Lunch will include a variety of wraps, fruit platter and cookies.

“I’ve attended several of these regional gatherings and it was so interesting to talk with women from other AAUW branches. I would encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to network with women from around our region. Plus, Lilah Crowe is a great presenter!” – Arlene Wheaton

Cost is $25.00. An optional tour of the Judy Garland Museum and childhood home, immediately following lunch, is available for $5.00.

RSVP:  The RSVP deadline has been extended to Sat., Sept. 8. Send your registration form (attached to this email) and check to Cheryl Vogel (treasurer), 20401 Mishawaka Shores Drive, Grand Rapids, MN 55744.

NOTE: No Monday, September 17th meeting. This program takes its place.

“Instructions for living a life. Pay attention.
Be astonished. Tell about it.”

― Mary Oliver

October 15 Dinner Program Meeting

TOPIC:  From Vocation to Avocation

Presenter:  Frieda Hall, Retired Teacher
Location:  United Methodist Church, Grand Rapids
Register/Social: 5:00 PM   Dinner:  5:45 PM  Business Meeting:  6:30 PM Program: 7:00 PM
Baked Chicken, Rice Pilaf, Multi-grain Bread, Cookies
Cost: $15.00

Reservations due to Deanna Ensley by Oct. 11. Call 218-301-0315 or email deannaensley@yahoo.com

We are excited to announce our new caterer for the coming year is Rachelle Ireland of Nana Chell's in Bovey. Rachelle believes in using the freshest and in-season vegetables, practicing "farm to table" whenever possible. She works with two local growers, Rock Meadow Farms and Pat Wiswell, and one has a greenhouse to source fresh vegetables year round. The new cost for our dinner programs will be $15.00.

Unless noted otherwise, the times for all evening dinner meetings will be as follows:

5:00-5:45 PM - Social & Registration
5:45-6:30 PM - Dinner
6:30-7:00 PM - Business Meeting
7:00-8:00 PM – Speaker

December Fundraiser
Just to get you thinking about what to donate...the theme for our December 3rd fundraiser will be "Personal or Pampering."  Bring a gift such as soaps, lotions, candles, slippers, inspirational book, mug, coffee & book, jewelry, a scarf, and the list goes on.
Branch Blog

Did you know that our branch has a blog? Myrna Peterson maintains our blog and does a super job!

Testimonial: Nancy Raymond wasn't sure what time the August meeting started.
She went to the blog and found the time. http://grandrapidsaauw.blogspot.com/
The url address is also on page 5 of our directory. Check it out!    


This url link https://www.facebook.com/groups/862408073952240/ will take you to the “closed” Facebook account for the "AAUW of Grand Rapids, MN"  CLOSED means that the page is only visible to those AAUW Branch members who have signed up for access.

It is our hope that our members will contribute and post important related messages or pictures that benefit and encourage all members to stay active. You must ask to be a current Facebook user and then ask to be an accepted member to this closed Facebook page. No other Facebook users will see our posts.

Please contact Sharon Quern at slquern@aol.com if you have questions on this new AAUW Facebook account.

Sunshine & Caring
We have a new committee called "Sunshine and Caring." Juliet Jones will be the contact for this committee and she will be sending out a card if a member is sick, a congrats note for an achievement, or if a member needs a card of cheer or comfort.     Please let Juliet know if you know of a member that could benefit from a greeting card from our Branch members.  Contact her at kcjones50@yahoo.com

Mark Your Calendars in 2019
Our Grand Rapids Branch will be hosting the AAUW State Convention for the 28 Minnesota Branches on April 26 & 27, 2019 at Timberlake Lodge. We will need many of you to help (and some have already agreed to help).   If you would like to volunteer, contact cyndy.agle@gmail.com  Thank you in advance.

Finance Report from Cheryl Vogel, Treasurer

As of August 2018, 88 members have paid their dues for the current fiscal year (compared to 103 paid members last year).  The payment deadline was June 30, 2018.

Membership renewal: Those who want to continue membership should mail their $85 dues to: Cheryl Vogel, 20401 Mishawaka Shores Drive, Grand Rapids, MN 55744. For questions, call Cheryl at 763-229-8098.

AAUW Regional Fall Gathering (Sat., Sept.15): 33 members have signed up for the event (including 14 attendees coming from other AAUW Branches). Please support this conference sponsored by our Branch.  See details above.

New interest groups can be started by any member at any time.  They can be all year long, for a month or any amount of time.  The interest group should be somewhat related to our mission.

This group meets May-December, first Thursday, 11:30 a.m. at Majestic Pines, 1614 Golf Course Rd, and includes lunch in the Bistro. Contact is Betty Akre, 326-5356. New members welcome. We have lunch at 11:30 and play bridge (strictly “party” bridge) afterward.


Sat., Oct. 6: Fall Studio Art Tour.
  It that takes place in the artists’ workshops. This tour is set up by MacRostie. We took the studio tour last year and we visited eight studios in the area.  We will meet at the Presbyterian Church at 9:00 AM and lunch at Fuji at noon.  Note:  You can do all or part of the tour. RSVP to Juliet Jones at: kcjones@yahoo.com

LITERATURE – Monday group
Group meets on 1st Monday at 10:00 AM at Grand Rapids State Bank Annex.  Contact is Jan Hill, 246-979 or jmhgkh@paulbunyan.net No meeting in September due to Labor Day holiday.Oct. 1: A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles; Discussion leader is Jan Hill.

LITERATURE – Wednesday group
This group meets at 10:30 am on 2nd Wednesday, Grand Rapids Area Library River Room, September-May.  Contact is Barbara Zimmer, 327-0911 or kbzimmer@q.com
Sept. 12:  The Great Alone by Kristin Hannah
Oct. 10:  Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover
Nov. 14: A Long Way Home: A Memoir by Sato Brierley

The Public Policy group meets monthly and will meet on Mon., Sept. 17, 4:00-5:30 PM at the home of Marilyn Rossman to plan for meetings for the 2018-19 meeting year.

Our group promotes the public policy program of AAUW for our local branch, new legislation work and public information. The national policy program underscores the mission of advancing equity for women and girls through education, philanthropy and research.  It is revised every two years.

This year should be an interesting year. The national AAUW board has made big changes in the issues it is promoting.

We welcome new members. At our meetings we have civil discussions, read books, listen to speakers and generally have a good time. Bring ideas for books to read, subjects to talk about, newspaper articles to think about and any other kinds of interesting information.  Maybe we will listen to Ted Talks.

Let Marilyn Rossman or Jean Halverson know if you are coming.
Jean Halverson at jehhmh@mcshi.com or 327-9158; or Marilyn Rossman at Mbro@PaulBunyan.net or 326-6775.

The group is walking Wednesday mornings at 9:00 AM until colder weather sets in, then time changes to 1:00 PM over the winter. If you get the group emails and are no longer interested in walking, please contact Karen Karls k.karls@yahoo.com  or 326-2053. Also let Karen know if you want to rejoin the list.


4 – Jan Miland 5 – Cyndy Agle         9 – Maybeth Olson   14 – Nancy Salmi
16 – Jan Bilden, Jean Hoshal          21 – Betty Brandt     26 - Mac Custer

August 6, 2018, Grand Rapids Library

Attendance: Elaine Thorstenson, Jean Hoshal, Jan Bilden, Karen Karls, Cyndy Agle, Deanna Ensley, Cheryl Vogel, Jan Miland and Marj Lavalier.

Cheryl Vogel distributed the treasurer's report showing a balance on hand in checking and savings, of $13,551.44.

Marj Lavalier reported that members that haven't rejoined have been contacted. There are presently 88 members. Her name will be included in the newspaper articles as the membership contact person.

Arlene Wheaton is doing the annual membership directory.

Jan Bilden and Ellen Edvenson have been planning the monthly programs for the coming year and have all but one month confirmed.

Karen Karls will continue to write her excellent articles for the Herald Review.

Elaine Thorstenson, with help from Cyndy Agle, has been working with our new caterer, Rachelle Ireland, on the menus. Rachelle uses farm to table food so the cost is some higher, but she tries to keep it down. She needs a percentage of the cost of the meals ahead of time to buy food. She will do the dishes.

The new dinner program meeting time schedule is: social time: 5:00-5:45; dinner, 5:45-6:30; business meeting, 6:30-7;00; and speaker, 7:00-8:00.

Jean Hoshal is working with new scholarship committee members, Helen Albrecht and Kathleen Spencer.

Nancy Raymond is working on fundraising with the book sale to be held in November.

We all need to help with hospitality and talk to others to make everyone feel included. Discussed name tags for meetings.

New business: Bring a guest to the October meeting for $5 meal charge. September 15, 2018 is the regional event at Kiesler Wellness Center. No Monday meeting in September.

The next board meeting will be Monday, September 24, 3;45, at the Public Utilities Building, 500 SE 4th St.

The State Convention will be hosted here April 26-27, 2019.

Respectfully submitted,
Jan Miland, Secretary

AAUW MINNESOTA www.aauwmn.net