Mission: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021


Grand Rapids Timberline




                                                 Volume 46, Issue 3            November 2021

EDITOR: Arlene Wheaton, 


(218) 232-4989

 MISSION: AAUW advances gender equity for women and girls through research education and advocacy.

November 8 Dinner Program

Location: United Methodist Church
Registration & Social: 5:00-5:45 pm              Dinner: 5:45-6:30 pm
Business Meeting: 6:30-7:00 pm                   Program: 7:00-8:00 pm

TOPIC: Love in the Time of Dementia

PRESENTER: Anne-Marie Erickson

Anne Marie-Erickson, a local writer and retired Itasca Community College instructor, will share some of her story. She is writing essays that will turn into a book, In the Evening, We’ll Dance: Finding Presence and Meaning in the Face of a Loved One’s Dementia. She will read from the essays.

Menu: Pork Loin, Mashed Potatoes & gravy, Cranberries, Coleslaw & Cranberry Cake w warm Rum Sauce
Cost: $15.00
Food Chair: Vicki Holmstrom

RSVP to AAUWRSVPGrandRapids@gmail.com by Mon., Nov. 1. If you have any questions, feel free to contact Danielle Witherill, 218-244-1793, danielle.witherill@edwardjones.com

December Christmas Party

We will hold our Christmas party on Dec. 13 at Forest Lake Steakhouse. We will host a "Silent Auction with a Twist", with this year's theme being "Warm & Cozy".  Members bring a gift for the theme, and we sell tickets to benefit our scholarship fund. You put a ticket(s) in the bag next to the item you wish to receive, and a winning ticket will be drawn for each item.

Suggestions for "warm & cozy" items: A gift basket of soups, tea or coffee sampler, a book & chocolates, scarf or gloves, socks, bubble bath, a cozy throw, or a gift card to Brewed Awakening or Caribou.

President’s Message

We had an exceptional program on Owls for our October meeting.  We learned about the 12 owls living in Minnesota, heard their calls and even what they eat--including skunk. Our speaker was Owl Expert Eben Spencer, husband of our member Kathy Spencer who co-chairs our Scholarship committee.

A huge thank you to Arlene Wheaton for putting together our 2021-22 membership directory. There is much time and effort that goes into the directory. Arlene also does our monthly newsletter and she works full time. Please let Arlene know how much we appreciate her!

Our special interest groups are busier than ever. Please check the directory to see which groups you would like to become a part of; the contact name and email for the group is also listed.

We welcome our new members! We are so glad you joined us. We have a very active group, and we look forward to getting to know you. Thank you to Margaret Barrick, Karen Karls, Vicki Holmstrom and Sharon Quern for bringing guests to our October meeting, who joined and are now new members.

Our new reservation system is working well. Just click on the link in the newsletter to RSVP. Danielle Witherill is our new reservation contact and she is monitoring the reservation system; when she opens and checks the emails she will send a reply "Got it."

See you November 8th.

Cyndy Agle, Co-President

Travel Treasures
From Marlys Mestemacher

We will continue to hold Travel Treasures drawings at every meeting through our program year. Bring treasures that you wish to donate for the drawing. “Staycation” items from the immediate area welcome too. The funds raised support our scholarships.

“Leadership is not a person or a position. It is a complex moral relationship between people based on trust, obligation, commitment, emotion, and a shared vision of the good.”

 Joanne Ciulla, Professor, Jepson School of Leadership Studies

By Marj Lavalier, Membership Chair

WOW!! What an exciting month October has been for our AAUW Branch. We are welcoming four new members. Please write their information in the back of your brand new directory.

They include Paula Rajala, Lannie Young, Sue Hutchins, and Suzan Koprowski.

As I announced at our last meeting, I will give a new member orientation just before our meeting on November 8th at 4:30 pm. We will meet right at the United Methodist Church at a table in the far corner so as not to disturb the committee setting tables for our dinner. I invite anyone who has joined in the last couple years or would just be interested in sitting in with us. I especially invite our board members to come and add to the welcoming of our new members and share about your position.

If you did not receive a 2021-22 directory, please contact Cyndy Agle at cyndy.agle@gmail.com 


Day/Time/Location TBD. Group meets year-round. If interested in playing Bridge, contact Dianne Anderson, 218-327-2651 or 515-450-9252.

*Exploring Our Community

The group goes on outings to area organizations, typically gathering for a meal. Contacts are Cyndy Agle, cyndy.agle@gmail.com and Juliet Jones, kcjones50@yahoo.com

*LITERATURE – Monday group

The group will meet on Nov. 1, 9:30 am, at Zion Lutheran Church, Room 121, to discuss The Moment of Lift: How Empowering Women Changes the World by Melinda Gates. For a reservation or information, contact Nancy Salmi, 218-326-3147 or nsalmi@earthlink.net

*LITERATURE – Wednesday group

The group will meet on Nov. 10, 10:30 am, at Zion Lutheran Church, Room 121, to discuss be The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek by Kim Richardson. The book for the next meeting on Dec. 8 will be The Five Wishes of Mr. Murray McBride by Joe Siple. For more information contact Vicki Holmstrom at agiledog5@aol.com or 218-245-2294.

*Walking & Talking group

We are now on our winter schedule of walking on Tuesdays at 1 pm. The locations change from week to week but will be in the Grand Rapids area. The group is open to new members interested in walking. If you would like to join us, send your email and cell number to Karen Karls at k.karls@yahoo.com You will receive an email with the weekly walk location. Members walk when they can or want to; no need to RSVP. We generally walk for about one hour. If the weather is really dreadful, we may cancel, and we’ll let you know. However, we are a hardy group of women who

Websites for local, state and national AAUW information:
Our Grand Rapids AAUW blog: http://grandrapidsaauw.blogspotcom/
MN AAUW website: 
National AAUW website: 



AAUW MINNESOTA www.aauwmn.net