Mission: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Grand Rapids Timberline

EDITOR: Arlene Wheaton, Arlene@honeybearwoods.com (218) 327-1411

Volume 40, Issue 5           March 2016

FROM THE PRESIDENTLooking ahead to Spring programs

It must be Spring, the sun rose over Johnson Lake Island at 7:07 a.m. this morning, and by 10:30 a.m., my thermometer read 50 degrees!  As the McDonald's slogan says "I'm lovin’ it!”

Even though the weather was snowy and messy, we had a good turnout for our February 15th meeting. We even received a new member, Deanna Ensly. She found us just the day before in the newspaper article Karen Karls wrote. How perfect is that?

Our program February 15th was "Current Women's Issues in Northern Minnesota”.  It was a very thoughtful approach to the stories of two women coming from opposite ends of the economic spectrum, Sarah McBroom an attorney and Alice Moren of Circles of Support.

I am thinking our program for March 21st "Sex Trafficking in Minnesota" might bring in people from the community. We will be returning to the United Methodist Church for our usual time starting with social gathering at 5:00 p.m.

Our March board meeting will be March 28, 3:45 p.m. at the Public Utilities Bldg.
The AAUW Minnesota State Convention is April 29-May 1 in Duluth. Registration is due March 31. For more information, see page 5 of this newsletter.

The NE MN AAUW Fall Gathering will be in Ely on September 10 at the Grand Lodge Ely. They are letting us know early so that people who would like can make plans to spend the weekend and enjoy the Harvest Moon Festival activities.

All AAUW members are encouraged to go to their political caucus meeting on Tuesday, March 1, 7 p.m. Learn your caucus location by calling either the
Democratic or Republican headquarters or the Itasca County Auditor’s office, or visit http://caucusfinder.sos.state.mn.us/

I hope each of you get an opportunity (and take it) to go outside and enjoy our beautiful spring-like weather.

Sincerely . . . Marj Lavalier



What I always tell people is that the wisdom about our lives is already within us.
I’m here to less to give advice than to urge people to listen to themselves and to offer support to each other. Just ask yourself:
What do you love to do so much that you forget what time it is while you’re doing it?

-Gloria Steinem



March 21 Program

Location: Methodist Church, Grand Rapids
DINNER: 5:30 PM           BUSINESS: 6:15 PM      PROGRAM: 6:30-7:30 PM
COST: $13
MENU: Baked chicken, twice baked potato, corn, roll and dessert.  
Reservations due to Charmayne Nelson by Wed., March 16. Call 326-4178 or email

TOPIC:  “Sexual Exploitation of Youth”
Speaker: Amanda Ysen, Executive Director of Support Within Reach (SWR)

Child sexual abuse is far more prevalent than most people realize, even here in
northern Minnesota. Statistics vary but at minimum, one in 10 children will be sexually abused before their 18th birthday. With physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and educational consequences, child sexual abuse is likely the most prevalent health problem children face.

Amanda Ysen will address the efforts of SWR to raise awareness, support victims, and prevent exploitation through education including the development of (CASE) Community Against Sexual Exploitation. SWR is a four program organization that works to reduce the impact and harmof sexual violence to individuals in Aitkin, Beltrami, Cass, Clearwater, Hubbard, and Itasca Counties. Amanda has 18 years of experience working with survivors of sexual abuse, sexual assault, sexual exploitation, sexual harassment and stalking. She has been the executive director at SWR since 2008.

AAUW members have an opportunity to assist SWR as they provide service to
victims of sexual exploitation. We can contribute items for SURVIVAL CARE
PACKAGES that are given to victims. Personal care supplies are packaged into gallon-size ziplock bags. Items that are needed include: travel size bottles of shampoo/conditioner, body lotion, liquid body soap, toothpaste. Other items are toothbrushes, dental floss, hairbrush/comb, deodorant, razors, sanitary pads(min. of 10), tampons (min. of 10), panty liners, wet wipes, lip balm, footies, socks, pens/memo pads, manicure sets. All items should be new. If you don’t want to shop yourself, monetary donations to Support Within Reach will help with supplies. There will be a basket to collect your donated items at our March meeting.

April 16 Branch Meeting, Methodist Church, 5:30 p.m.
The program will be about Itasca Community College and Minnesota community colleges' challenges and strengths.  The current provost of ICC will be the speaker.

A short presentation about the new Grand Rapids wellness center for mental health will also be given by AAUW member Marva Jean Hutchens

At our April meeting, we will host our semi-annual used book sale to raise funds for scholarships for women and girls. Please bring to this meeting used books that are “good reads”—no manuals or reference books.

Any member can start a new interest group.  Current interest groups are open to any member.  Each group decides on its meeting time, calendar of meetings and subject or purpose of the group. 

Writing group interest? Anyone interested in a writing group that would meet  for several months should call Marilyn Rossman, 326-6775, or email   mbro@paulbunyan.net Have you ever thought…"I really should be writing some of these things down for the grand kids!”  If there is interest in this endeavor, we can make some organizational arrangements. 

Group will resume meeting again in May, meets May-December, first Thursday of the month at Majestic Pines bistro.

Open studio for painting is held at the MacRostie every Tuesday, 10 AM through the afternoon. Free for members; nonmembers pay $5. Margaret Z. Morris sends an email to those interested each week, including if this group will not meet some weeks. Bring your lunch. This is open for anyone of any level of painting or any media. We have watercolor and acrylic, and welcome other media.  No cost or instruction, learning from each other and having fun.  Margaret’s email: ipaint@paulbunyan.net or phone 999-9683.

LITERATURE – Wednesday group
Group meets at 10:30AM on 2nd Wednesday, Grand Rapids Library, September-May.  Contact is Barbara Zimmer, 327-0911 or kbzimmer@q.com
March 9:  Life in Motion: An Unlikely Ballerina by Misty Copeland
April 13:  West of the Moon by Margi Preus
May 11:
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee; pick titles for September-May

LITERATURE – Monday group
Group meets on 1st Monday at 10:00 AM at Grand Rapids State Bank Annex.  Contact is Jan Hill, 246-979 or jmhgkh@paulbunyan.net
March 2: When Books Go to War by Molly Gupstill Manning; Cheryl Vogel, contact
The group will meet on March 11, 4:00 to 5:30, KAXE meeting room. We will have a discussion based on the book:  American Mojo:  Lost and Found - Restoring our Middle Class before the World Blows By.  The specific pages for this time are Chapters 17-20.  Everyone is welcome and bring a guest.  We try to raise questions and have a civilized discussion about the material and ideas in the book. Members are encouraged to bring to the discussion information from other resources.  The library has a copy of the book and it is easily obtained from online sources. We will finish the book at the April meeting (second Thursday of the month at 4:30).

Last month some of the group dined at the new Japanese restaurant after the meeting.  If anyone is interested in a meal after the meeting, contact Jan Miland, 218-208-8659, jan.miland@yahoo.com

All AAUW members are encouraged to go to the national AAUW website www.aauw.org or connect@aauw.org and sign on to one or two of their regular brief newsletters or notices about current public policy issues and action by the national organization.  You will need your member number which is with your name in our Grand Rapids small green member directory.  AAUW is on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/AAUW.National

The group’s winter schedule is walking on Tuesdays at 1 p.m.  The group is flexible and open to interested members. Locations of the walks are chosen by the group and are generally in Grand Rapids neighborhoods during the winter. We schedule week by week and an email is sent with the location. We walk for about one hour and then have coffee. To be included in the group, send your email to Karen Karls at k.karls@yahoo.com

RACE - The Power of an Illusion is a three-part movie series that was shown in the Grand Rapids Library during the noon hour on February 18 and 25, and March 1.  It is thought-provoking and interesting—very much worth your time and attention.  This definitive three-part series is an eye-opening take of how what we assume to be normal, common sense, even scientific, is actually shaped by our history, social institutions and cultural beliefs. It will be repeated on Wed, March 23, Mon, March 28, and Mon, April 4. All showings are at 6 p.m. at the  office of Circles of Support, 805 NE 4th St., Grand Rapids. Each film is about an hour and there is time for discussion after the film ends.   There is no charge.    Refreshments served.  RSVP to: brianaa@kootasca.org  or 999-5883.   

**AAUW Minnesota News**

AAUW of Minnesota State Convention
Theme:  Lighting the Way with AAUW
April 29, 30–May 1, 2016 - Holiday Inn, Duluth

The convention will include mission-based workshops to help support AAUW’s mission of providing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy and research. Convention lodging will be at the Holiday Inn and Suites in downtown Duluth, which offers complimentary covered parking. All meetings will be held on site and a reception will be off site. Optional activities will be offered before and after the convention.

Attendance is open to any AAUW member and a registration form is included in the Minnesota Pine newsletter or online at http://aauw-mn.aauw.net 

January 18, 2016, 1:00 PM, Sawmill Inn

Present: Marj Lavalier, Jean Hoshal, Nancy Raymond, Cheryl Vogel, and Karen Karls

Meeting called to order by President Marj Lavalier.

Motion by Cheryl, seconded by Jean, to accept the minutes of meeting of 11/23/15; approved.

Cheryl gave the treasurer’s report. A $50 donation was made to GRACF in the name of deceased member Mae Howe. The December jar fundraiser made $710. Some discussion of whether extra money raised on the meal should also be credited but decided that the jar money was dedicated to scholarships while the meal costs/income was part of general income/expenses. Expenses for evening were $46.

March board meeting will be the 4th Monday at Public Utilities building. The February board meeting will follow the regular meeting.

Finance Committee meets on the second Monday of the month; could have Sarah Copeland attend either on Feb. 8 or March 7 at 4 PM at Majestic Pines. Perhaps some GRACF funds could do something other than the regular scholarship.

Membership: Jean Walthower is a new member; now at 97 members.

Program: Marilyn Rossman is in charge of the March program.

Public Policy: Group is reading American Mojo.

Hospitality: Jan Mary Hill is at home following knee replacement. Karen Wennen will
have the nametags for the March meeting. Food set to arrive at 11:45 with program at 12:15.

Discussion of December meeting and party for next year. Party this year was nice but lots of work for those in charge with tables, set-up, etc. There were numerous comments by members at the party about bringing food, still having to pay, and not being served, expressing a preference to go out and be served even if it costs more. Majestic Pines could cater the food but the issue of set-up remains.

The jar fundraiser was successful but probably should only do one more year, if that. Also, perhaps have fewer items; consumable items like food, wine, spa items seemed to generate the most interest. Could do a silent auction but prior efforts at this have not been too successful; members did not bid up items. Nancy talked about her proposed Travel Treasure as an ongoing fundraiser. Members returning from a trip could bring back a small item that would be a fundraiser at a meeting with tickets and a drawing or some other means.

The Book Sale is at the April meeting.

Old Business:

The Christmas party has already been discussed.

Discussion on getting reports on ICC Scholarship. Staff transitions have limited contact.
New Business:

Need to appoint a Nominating Committee to consist of one board member and two regular members. Positions of President, Vice President for Membership and Secretary are up. Cheryl Vogel volunteered to serve from the Board. Mac Custer and Jean Halverson were suggested as committee members.

Brief discussion of money issues, both raising money and spending it. Branch could support member attendance at the State Conference, which is in Duluth.

Next board meeting will follow February program at the Sawmill.

Respectfully submitted, Karen Karls for Jan Miiland, Secretary

February 15, 2016, 1:00 PM, Sawmill Inn

Attendance at the February AAUW board meeting were the following: Marj Lavalier, Marilyn Rossman, Cheryl Vogel, Jan Miland, and Karen Karls.

The January minutes, Cheryl moved, seconded by Marj, approved.

The treasurer’s report was presented showing a total on hand in January of $8,745.20. Cheryl spent many hours updating the demographic information for the national AAUW records.

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