Mission: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

cid:image001.png@01D0FEE8.4DEEFC80Grand Rapids Timberline
Volume 41, Issue 4           March 2017

March 20 Dinner Meeting & Program 
LOCATION: United Methodist Church, Grand Rapids
DINNER: 5:40 PM          BUSINESS MTG:  6:15 PM      PROGRAM: 6:45 – 7:30 pm
MENU:  Baked chicken, twice baked potato, corn, roll, dessert, coffee
Reservations due to Deanna Ensley by March, Jan. 15. Call 218-301-0315 or email 

TOPIC: Challenges facing ISD 318 Elementary Schools
Speaker: Rochelle Van Den Heuvel

Rochelle has worked in education for 22 years, with 14 years in the Grand Rapids School District while being a business education teacher, director of technology, curriculum director and now assistant superintendent for teaching and learning. In her capacity as assistant superintendent, she oversees the process of curriculum, instruction and assessment for the district, the Title 9 program, technology, staff development and the elementary schools.  Rochelle also acts as a lead administrator on the new STEM initiative between Greenway, Nashwauk, ICC and Grand Rapids.

In her presentation on elementary school challenges, she will also touch on technology in the schools.

Real education should educate us out of self into something far finer--into a selflessness which links us with all humanity.
Political education should do the same
― My Two Countries (1923) by Nancy Astor

SCHOLARSHIPS from GRACF – Apply before March 15!

Please help get the word out about applying for scholarships at the Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation website at:www.gracf.org.
Anyone who plans to go to school, get a certification or any higher education during 2017 should apply. The deadline is March 15th!

Are you interested in starting an interest group?  Great!  Any member may start an interest group.  An interest group can meet monthly, weekly and for any length of time.  The members determine their own agendas and arrangements for meetings The meetings are open to all AAUW members and their guests.  The member directory has more information about the current active interest groups. Contact program co-chairs Joanne Bakken or Marilyn Rossman with questions.
We had our first field trip on Jan. 18 to AAUW member Emilie Zasada's home.  Her husband John, a retired forester, gave a very interesting presentation on various tree barks and crafting the bark and plant materials that are native to northern Minnesota. We were all intrigued in hearing John's story about his shop—a Finnish cabin. We ended the afternoon with wonderful lingonberry bread served by Emilie. A thank you to John and Emilie for making our first program so informative!
We still are in the planning and structure stage and do not have a chairperson.  The hardy winter members will meet the third week of March probably on Tuesday for some sort of "adventure".  Watch for an email announcement. Contact Deanna Ensley or Marilyn Rossman with ideas or interest.
We have a couple of other events scheduled for spring and summer; AAUW member Janis Johnson will be talking about female pilots and her plane and we will be meeting in the hangar. Another scheduled field trip will be going to Itasca Lady Slipper Farm where we will learn about the process and growing operation of lady slippers and spending time in the greenhouse. Watch the newsletter for more information.
LITERATURE – Wednesday group
This group meets at 10:30AM on 2nd Wednesday, Grand Rapids Library study room, September-May.  Contact is Barbara Zimmer, 327-0911 or kbzimmer@q.com March 8:  Fall to Grace by Kerry Casey April 12: The Dorito Effect by Mark Schatzker
May 10: Song of the Poet - A Memoir of My Father by Kao Kalia Yang

We will pick books for next season (Sept- May) at the May meeting.
LITERATURE – Monday group
Group meets on 1st Monday at 10:00 AM at Grand Rapids State Bank Annex.  Contact is Jan Hill, 246-979 orjmhgkh@paulbunyan.net 
March 6: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins
The Public Policy Group meets the second Thursday of the month, 4-5:30 PM, KAXE Meeting Room (just east of Grand Rapids Public Library) and all are welcome to join the meetings! If you cannot always attend, no problem—join the group when you can. Our purpose is to explore and learn about the issues behind public policy, especially those that pertain to the AAUW mission of advancing equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research AND AAUW public policy-supported legislation.
The February discussion continued with Betsy Johnson on the topic of the “Minnesota Food Charter”.  Betsy also spoke with us in December, and in January provided us with copies of the Minnesota Food Charter.  The Minnesota Food Charter is designed to help guide the work being done by policy and government programs to improve healthy food and availability of food. The food charter is for use in institutions and by the general public. With obesity and diabetes being major health risks in the U.S., this is a major issue for all of us.  If you would like a copy, please contact Marilyn Rossman.

On March 9. Betsy Johnson will help guide the discussion about food policy locally and what needs to be done.  If you do not get a chance to read the Charter or attend previous Public Policy meetings, come anyway as there will be ample opportunity to learn and engage in the discussion. During the second half of the meeting, we will explore important issues for women today and in our state. Perhaps a list for what we want our state legislature to do will be formed.  Getting out the women's vote in two years is going to be very important, and we will begin to think about a plan to foster this in northern Minnesota.

The group is still considering books for the Group Read. Bring suggestions. Also, we will spend a few minutes talking about informing the membership about current AAUW public policy issues such as equal pay and family/work problems.
For more information, talk with Marilyn Rossman OR contact her at 326-6775 or mbro@paulbunyan.net or Jean Halverson atjehhmh@mchsi.com or 327-9158.

Currently, our group meets Tuesday afternoons at 1 PM.  Location is planned week to week and the group is notified by email. We welcome new walkers to join us whenever they can. We walk for 1 to 1 1/2 hours and then have coffee.  We generally walk in the Grand Rapids area but have taken road trips to other parts of the county. Walkers of all levels are welcome but know that the talking is a part of the experience so we are not a race-walking group. If you want to be added to the group, send your email to k.karls@yahoo.com


4 – Jan Hill                8 – Kathy Pliska       19 – Joyce Chalupsky 
20 – Betty Akre        21 – Vicki Holmstrom          27 – Norma Eppinga

February 20, 2017 United Methodist Church

The Grand Rapids Branch of AAUW met on Monday, February 20, 2017, at noon, at the United Methodist Church. President Marva Jean Hutchins welcomed members and guests. A potential scholarship winner gave a short talk.

Deanna Ensley arranged for a DNR forestry person to give a presentation. She introduced Amber Youngforth, who presented a presentation developed by John Carlson. She added information and answered questions.

Some sites to visit online were stated: Service Delivery Options for Woodland Owners in Forest Stewardship, My Minnesota Woods, Minnesota Women’s Woodland Network fieldtrips are resources. She mentioned that there’s a workshop on May 6th in Cohasset. The DNR Forestry Department in Grand Rapids is always available for information and help. 

Respectfully submitted, Jan Miland, secretary

January 16 2017, United Methodist Church

The Grand Rapids Chapter of AAUW met on January 16, 2017, for a noon meeting at the United Methodist Church. An introduction of guests was held before eating. President Marva Jean Hutchens called a brief business meeting. Cyndy Agle announced that the new interest group, Exploring Our Community, would be meeting at Zasada’s to learn about weaving with birch bark. She also thanked everyone for bringing items to the successful scholarship jar fundraiser. She announced that the Hibbing chapter would be having their annual book sale the first weekend in February. Nancy Raymond drew the name of Kathy Pliska to receive the traveling treasure, vanilla, donated by Jan Hill. She also reminded us that any new members would receive the half-price membership after January 21. Marva Jean urged everyone to see the excellent movie, Hidden Figures. She talked about Martin Luther King’s speech “I Have A Dream”. She said the dream is always there.

Marilyn Rossman introduced the speaker, Sylvia Olney. The title of her speech was “Circling the Wagons: Why we protect ourselves from change and what we can do about it.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Miland, secretary

January 16 2017, United Methodist Church

Members present: Marva Jean Hutchens, Cyndy Agle, Nancy Alfuth, Jan MIland, Cheryl Vogel, Nancy Raymond, Deanna Ensley, Karen Karls and Marilyn Rossman.

Marva Jean asked us to consider a few program possibilities such as Patty Holycross, NAMI, going to the new Keisler Wellness Center, or Women’s Health at the newly merged Grand Itasca and Fairview.

Cyndy announced that the jar fundraiser amounted to $880. In the future, a variation on the jar theme might be bringing an item that starts with your initial. Another idea was to have a scholarship winner speak at the fundraiser because some might donate more when they see the results.

Cyndy also has a start on the food committees for next year.

Cheryl reported that there is $10,680 in the cash category. She says the finance committee will consider the criteria for funds, distribution of funds and liability coverage. The quote from American Family Insurance for general liability is $128 yearly. Marva Jean thanked Cheryl for her concise quarterly report and invited anyone interested to attend the finance meetings.

Marva Jean thanked Karen for her excellent work in getting the articles in the paper each month and thanked Marilyn for all the work she does with the programs.

A Nominating committee will be announced soon.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Miland Secretary

AAUW MINNESOTA www.aauwmn.net

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