Mission: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Grand Rapids Timberline

EDITOR: Arlene Wheaton, Arlene@honeybearwoods.com (218) 327-1411

Volume 40, Issue 1           September 2015

FROM THE PRESIDENTWelcome to the 2015-2016 season!

Welcome to a new AAUW program year, an opportunity to gather over good food, friendly conversation and catching up with ladies we haven't seen much over the summer.  I know also that the program committee has been working hard most of the summer to line up an exceptional group of programs for the year. The program for our meeting September 21st. is superintendent of schools Dr. Bruce Thomas, who will address the school bond issue before the voters this fall. Please check the information entered for the times this program will start; it will be different because he has to attend a school board meeting.

We also have a new caterer this fall with Linda Wheeler preparing our meals at United Methodist Church.

We have five members going to Duluth for the Northland Get Together "Celebrating the Environment". I am really looking forward to this outing.

We have need for a couple of positions to be filled. Please consider offering your help. You have an opportunity to get to know people better when you get involved.

1. We need a new member for the Historian committee. You get to take pictures and work on a scrap book!! What could be more fun!
2. In May, the board voted to develop a Fund Raising committee. This will be a sub-committee of the finance committee and would help develop plans/goals to raise funds.
3. We have also talked about a Technology group. Maybe a special interest group or/and maybe to work on the blog and webpage for us. If you have expertise or experience in this area, please don't hesitate to get involved.

Please read this newsletter carefully and you may want to print your email copy for reference. It has all the information about when and where for each of the Special Interest Groups…and all the specifics for our September 21st dinner meeting.

We will have a board meeting at 3:45 PM, Public Utilities Bldg. Mon., Sept. 28. I am looking forward to what I am sure will be another great year for the Grand Rapids Branch of AAUW! I hope to see each of you on the 21st.

Marj Lavalier



“If all the rich and all of the church people should send their children to the public schools, they would feel bound to concentrate their money on improving these schools until they met the highest ideals.”

― Susan B. Anthony


September 21 Dinner Program

Location: United Methodist Church, Grand Rapids
Registration: 5:00 PM     *Program:  5:30 PM               Dinner: 6:00 PM
MENU: Turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, stuffing, candied carrots, roll & dessert. 
RESERVATIONS: Due to Charmayne Nelson by Sept. 16. Call 326-4178 or email charnels@paulbunyan.net

TOPIC:  ISD 318 School Bond Referendum Request
Speaker: Dr. Bruce Thomas, Superintendent of School District 318

Dr. Thomas will speak about the need for new elementary school facilities.  There is a public referendum vote scheduled for Tues., Nov.  3.  The IDS 318 District is asking for public support for financial support to build two new elementary schools.

A basic public policy interest of AAUW is the support for strong public schools systems. Children First is the local name for meeting the academic needs of all children in our area. 

Conditions and the needs of children has changed since most of our membership attended school or sent our children to elementary school. Our district is growing in numbers with a large percentage of children having special academic and social needs who require staff and space if they are to succeed and be prepared to enter our future work force.  Safety and technology for modern children are major concerns for our school populations.  Whether we fund new buildings or fix the 4 over 50-year-old buildings, we will have to spend money if our local children are to have a suitable place to  learn. 

Dr. Thomas will talk about the needs of our school population and answer your questions.  Bring friends and family to the meeting.  The program is open to the public.

*NOTE: We need to begin the program one hour earlier than usual at 5:30 PM as Dr. Thomas needs to be at the official school board meeting that evening. Dinner will be served at 6 PM and our business meeting will follow.

New Caterer and Meals Pricing

We have a new caterer for the 2015-16 year at the Methodist Church.  Our new caterer is Linda Wheeler and we are very happy to have her working with us.  The meals at the Methodist Church will be $13.00.  There is a price increase due to the new caterer, supplies and rent for the Church for our meetings.

The Board voted not to continue the practice of free meals for guests or potential new members due to increased costs.  Members who bring guests can pay for their guest if they choose, otherwise the guest pays for her own meals.

Beginning in September, when you pay for your meal you will be receiving a ticket and when you go through the line you will turn in your ticket.

 Silent Auction with a Twist 

We will be holding our 2nd fundraiser to benefit the scholarship fund in December.   Be creative! What can you put in a bottle or a jar? How about a jar of preserves, a cookie mix, a gift card, a scarf, jewelry, a bottle of wine or something that you have made. The possibilities are endless. If you are not able to attend or will be south for the winter and you like to donate to help our scholarship fund, you can give your item in a bottle or a jar in advance to Jan Miland, Jean Hoshal or Cyndy Agle.

** NEW Member directory COMING IN SEPTEMBER**
From Lynette Eck
I hope to have the 2015-2016 AAUW directory ready for distribution at the September 21 meeting. When you receive yours, please check your information to be sure everything is updated and correct. There have been numerous additions and changes and I need your help to be on top of corrections.  If there are changes, please give them to me at the meeting or email me at ice26@mchsi.com  Thank you.

The first of our two annual book sales is coming up in October. Please bring your books to the Oct. 19 general meeting. Bring only books that you would want to buy! All proceeds from the sale, as always, go entirely to scholarships we support.
GENERAL CHECKING ACCOUNT:  $6,812.51;   Savings Account: $1,695.39
·        Total Liquid Assets$ 8,507.90

DEDICATED FUNDS - Local Foundations:  $56,966.88  
Local Scholarship Itasca Community College Foundation:   $28,222   12/14 Ending Balance: new report year end 2015
·        $   19,269  (endowment – permanently restricted)
·        $     8,953  (temporarily restricted funds)

Community Foundation: Grand Rapids AAUW Anniversary Scholarships:  $28,744.88   (06/30/15 -  2nd Quarter Report)
·        GRACF (Endowed Fund):    $26,301.77
·        GRACF (non-endowed):       $2,443.11


August 2015
July 2015
Based upon August 12, 2015 Bank Statement

General Checking Account:  $  6,812.51

v  Funds:  (Dedicated Funds incorporated in total checking acct balance, but not yet distributed.)

Accounts updated:

  • AAUW Educational Foundation:    $ 50
  • Local Scholarship ICC:                      $ 0
  • GRACF Anniversary Foundation:    $ 0
  • NCCWSL – Leadership:                     $ 0

Savings Account:   $ 1,695.39  (Quarterly Report)

TOTAL ASSETS ON HAND:     $ 8,507.90

Based upon July 08, 2015 Bank Statement

General Checking Account:  $  8,406.44

v  Funds:  (Dedicated Funds incorporated in total checking acct balance, but not yet distributed.)

Accounts updated:

  • AAUW Educational Foundation:    $ 50
  • Local Scholarship ICC:    $319
  • GRACF Anniversary Foundation:    $ 50
  • NCCWSL – Leadership:                     $   0

Savings Account:   $ 1,695.39  (Quarterly Report)

TOTAL ASSETS ON HAND:     $ 10,032.83

STATUS OF DEDICATED FUNDS:   $  56,966.88                 (06/30/15 – 2nd Quarter)

Local Scholarship ICC Foundation:      $28,222 
Ending Balance:   12/14      -   new report year end 2015
·         $   19,269 – Endowment:  Permanently    restricted funds
·         $      8,953 - Temporarily restricted funds

Community Foundation: Grand Rapids AAUW

Anniversary Scholarships:                     $ 28,744.88

  • GRACF (Endowed Fund):                  $ 26,301.77            
  • GRACF (non-endowed)                     $  2,443.11

National AAUW Donations:                     $  0

(03/31/15 – 1st Quarter)

Local Scholarship ICC Foundation:      $28,222 
Ending Balance:  12/14       -   new report year end 2015
·         $   19,269 – Endowment:  Permanently    restricted funds
·         $      8,953 - Temporarily restricted funds

Community Foundation: Grand Rapids AAUW

Anniversary Scholarships:                     $ 28,420.07

  • GRACF (Endowed Fund):                  $ 26,026.96                      
  • GRACF (non-endowed)                     $  2,393.11

National AAUW Donations:                     $  0  
Any member can start an interest group and recruit members to join.  The subject should have something to do with our mission and/or public policy issues.  We all like to learn and find new interests.  Any member is welcome to join any of our interest groups.  A Writing group and group to promote a “vote yes for our kids” group has been suggested.  Also several new members have suggested that they will help members get comfortable with all the new information and social systems.  So that can become a group. Groups plan for their own meeting time and communications system.  They do not have to meet monthly all year long. They can meet for a month or just in the summer, or for the duration of their stated purpose. If you are interested, please inform President Marj Lavalieror Program c-chairs Joann Bakken or Marilyn Rossman,  who can help you get a group organized.

Do you like to play bridge? Why not join our AAUW monthly bridge group. The group meets at Majestic Pines Bistro at 11:30 AM for lunch, and then plays a few rounds of social bridge. We meet the first Thursday of each month except January, February, March and April.  We encourage any level of bridge player. Contact persons are: Anita Firman, Ann Clark, Pat Anderson, Mary Singsank, Carol Rassmussen, Betty Akre, Shirley Jacobson.

Open studio for painting is held at the MacRostie every Tuesday, 10 AM through the afternoon. Free for members; nonmembers pay $5. Margaret Z. Morris sends an email to those interested each week, including if this group will not meet some weeks. Bring your lunch. This is open for anyone of any level of painting or any media. We have watercolor and acrylic, and welcome other media.  No cost or instruction, learning from each other and having fun.  Margaret’s email: ipaint@paulbunyan.net or phone 999-9683.

LITERATURE – Monday group
Group meets on 1st Monday at 10:00 AM at Grand Rapids State Bank Annex.  For more info, contact Jan Hill, 246-9791 or jmhgkh@paulbunyan.net Due to Labor Day holiday no September meeting.

LITERATURE – Wednesday group
The group meets at 10:30AM on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, Grand Rapids Library, September-May. Contact is Barbara Zimmer, 327-0911.
Sept. 9: “Being Mortal” by Atul Gawande
Oct. 14 – “Windigo Island” by William Kent Krueger
Nov. 11 – “The Pearl That Broke Its Shell” by Nadia Hasmimi

AAUW is basically a public policy organization with a national lobbying presence.  We keep track of state government actions and issues that affect our mission and public policy approved agenda. We have a public statement of goals and ideas that we promote. We do not endorse individual candidates or parties.  

Our local Public Policy group will meet on Thurs., Sept. 10 at 4 PM at the KAXE Meeting Room to plan for the year's meetings and ideas for study.  New members are welcome.  Please let us know if the meeting time we håve now makes it impossible for you to attend.  We are flexible and may change our momthly meeting time. Contact Marilyn Rossman at mbro@paulbunyan.net or 326-6775 for more information.

Group meets Wednesday mornings at 9 AM.  We generally walk for 1 to 1 1/2 hours and then have coffee.  Typically we walk in the Grand Rapids area, local trails and neighborhoods, but also travel to some outlying county trails. Group is flexible and open and does not require weekly participation. Plans are generally made week-to-week by the participants; group members receive email notification of the upcoming location. To be added to the group email k.karls@yahoo.com or call 326-2053. This group is for all kinds of walkers (maybe not the hard-core speed walkers) and there is always lots of conversation.   


4 – Jan Miland 5 – Cyndy Agle         6 – Margot Chatterton        
7 – Sharon Phelps     9 – Pat Mortenson, Marybeth Olson           10 – Laura Ringold   
14 – Nancy Salmi      16 – Lois Bendix, Jan Bilden, Jean Hoshal  
21 – Betty Brandt     26 - Mac Custer

August 10, 2015, 10:30 AM, Grand Rapids

The August 10, 2015 board meeting was held at President Marj Lavalier’s beautiful house. We had some nice refreshments too. Members present were, Marj, Karen Karls, Lynette Eck, Cyndi Agle, Marilyn Rossman, Nancy Raymond, Jan Miland.

The secretary’s report was approved with the corrections. A suggestion was made to use tickets for dinner.

The treasurer’s report was sent to the board members. Lynette reported that most of the people called renewed their memberships. She thanked those that helped with the calling. We have approximately 84 members. Marilyn provided a list of programs for the coming year. It will be in the membership booklet. Cyndi reported that the five meals at the Methodist Church have been arranged with the caterer at a cost of $13 per time. The other months are reserved, including May at the Eagles. Jan Miland will check on the criteria for the Foundation scholarship. The website is an ongoing project. It would be worth a fee if it helps get new members. We would like to have more members on the membership committee. Brochures are available from Marj for the September 12th meeting in Duluth. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Miland, Secretary

June 15, 2015, 6:00 PM, YWCA, Grand Rapids

On June 15, 2015 the Grand Rapids Chapter of AAUW met at the Y. Jamie Mjolsness gave us a tour of the new facility and told us about all the activities available for us. Alice Stark and Carol Rasmussen provided the delicious snack.  Marilyn Rossman asked for program ideas.  A discussion was held.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Miland, Secretary
August 10, 2015, 10:30 AM, Grand Rapids

The August 10, 2015 board meeting was held at President Marj Lavalier’s beautiful house. We had some nice refreshments too. Members present were Marj, Karen Karls, Lynette Eck, Cyndy Agle, Marilyn Rossman, Nancy Raymond, Jan Miland.

The secretary’s report was approved with the corrections. A suggestion was made to use tickets for dinner.

The treasurer’s report was sent to the board members. Lynette reported that most of the people called renewed their memberships. She thanked those that helped with the calling. We have approximately 84 members. Marilyn provided a list of programs for the coming year. It will be in the membership booklet. Cyndi reported that the five meals at the Methodist Church have been arranged with the caterer at a cost of $13 per time. The other months are reserved, including May at the Eagles. Jan Miland will check on the criteria for the Foundation scholarship. The website is an ongoing project. It would be worth a fee if it helps get new members. We would like to have more members on the membership committee. Brochures are available from Marj for the September 12th meeting in Duluth. The meeting was adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Miland, Secretary

June 15, 2015, 6:00 PM, YMCA, Grand Rapids

On June 15, 2015 the Grand Rapids Chapter of AAUW met at the Y. Jamie Mjolsness gave us a tour of the new facility and told us about all the activities available for us. Alice Stark and Carol Rasmussen provided the delicious snack.  Marilyn Rossman asked for program ideas. A discussion was held.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Miland, Secretary

June 22, 2015, Grand Rapids

Marj Lavalier opened the meeting. In attendance: Marj, Karen Karls, Jan Miland, Marilyn Rossman, Cyndy Agle, Lynette Eck, Nancy Raymond, Cheryl Vogel, Jean Hoshal, and Juliette Jones.

The secretary report was approved.

Lynette called the names of former members who haven’t renewed and board members said which people they would call. They need to get the dues to Cheryl by July 1, 2015. Lynette needs the information for the membership booklets.

The treasurer’s report shows a cash total of $10,000, including savings.

Motion made by Cheryl, second by Nancy, to have a fundraising committee Mtwo or three people with the scholarship committee as a sub-committee with them. Passed.

Motion made by Cyndy, second, Jean, to sign a contract with Linda Wheeler for $7.50 per meal for the five meetings during the 2015-2016 year. Passed.

Motion made by Nancy, second, Lynette, to charge $13 at the five meetings at the church, to cover the cost of food, rent supplies, etc. Passed. A suggestion was made to use tickets to keep track of the meals served.

A suggestion was made to go to the Eagles for the May meeting. It would cost about $20.
Cyndy will make the arrangements.

The December meeting will be at Majestic Pines. Marilyn reported that there will be about ten members on the program committee. They will be having a meeting soon. Karen suggested giving the speakers an information sheet, which she provided. They will get it to her so she can write the newspaper articles.

Marj received a letter from ICC indicating that one of our scholarship recipients was not able to take the scholarship. They will choose someone else to have it. A suggestion was made to look at the Foundation’s guidelines for our scholarship to make sure it’s for an older person returning to school to finish a degree.

A suggestion was made to form a technology committee composed of some new members that have expertise in that area.

Motion made by Karen, second, Lynette to approve Cheryl’s budget with the changes discussed.

Motion made by Karen, second Lynette to amend the bylaws to delete the reference to free meals for guests.

Meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted, Jan Miland, Secretary


AAUW MINNESOTA www.aauwmn.net

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