Mission: AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education and research.


Vision: AAUW will be a powerful advocate and visible leader in equity and education through research, philanthropy, and measurable change in critical areas impacting the lives of women and girls.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Grand Rapids Timberline

EDITOR: Arlene Wheaton, Arlene@honeybearwoods.com (218) 327-1411

Volume 40, Issue 2           October 2015

FROM THE PRESIDENTEnjoy the Fall and AAUW fellowship

The attendance at our September 21st meeting was a wonderful statement of the concern and involvement of our members in the community. We had 46 members and three guests come to hear the presentation by Dr. Bruce Thomas regarding the needs of our school district in the coming years. Following his talk a parent encouraged us to vote” yes” for the November 3rd referendum for our schools. There was a good article in the September 27th Herald Review discussing the school funding issue. Following our program, Karen Karls read an article of excerpts from remarks prepared for delivery at the Humphrey School forum, "Unfinished Business:  The Continuing Work of Arvonne Skelton Fraser".

Please remember to RSVP for our dinner meeting each month to Charmayne Nelson so our cook can have an accurate count. Always know you are welcome at any and all of the special interest groups. Everyone says that and it is TRUE.

Please keep AAUW member Pat Anderson, who was in a car accident and is at home with a halo harness, on and former member Mae Howe, who is terminally ill, (write to Mae at 2001 Oakwood , Grand Forks, N.D. 58201) in your prayers.

Our next meeting is October 19th. We will have our Used Book Sale fundraiser for our scholarships. Please put a fair price on your books.

Mayor Dale Adams will talk about population predictions for Grand Rapids. I hope everyone can get out this month and enjoy at least one color drive down 63 or up 38 as it is getting really beautiful.
Marj Lavalier



“Friendship is the inexpressible comfort of feeling safe with a person, having neither to weigh thoughts nor measure words.”

― George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans, 1819-1880)


October 19 Dinner Program

Location: United Methodist Church, Grand Rapids
Registration: 5:15 PM - Dinner: 5:30 PM - Business: 6:15 PM - Program:  6:30 PM       
MENU: Braised beef, garlic mashed potatoes, green bean almandine, roll & dessert. 
RESERVATIONS: Due to Charmayne Nelson by Oct. 14. Call 326-4178 or email charnels@paulbunyan.net

TOPIC: Minnesota Demographics…what will our state look like in 10 years?
Speaker: Dale Adams, Grand Rapids Mayor

Mayor Adams will talk about Minnesota demographics and what that means for northern Minnesota between now and 10 and 20 years into the future.  Minnesota will be seeing a dramatic shift in diversity of the population, the end of the baby boomer time, a shift in the education and workplace population, changing training and education requirements for the environmental conditions, and economic conditions.  Northern Minnesota will have challenges that require planning and political will. 

REMINDER: ALL members must make a food reservation for each meeting. Please be sure to include your guest if you have one. See reservation info above.
COATS TO DONATE? The annual coat drive for those who may be in need is sponsored by the Methodist Church in late October. The church will accept new or slightly used coats, mittens, boots, hats, etc. for cold weather wear for both adults and children. Items should be clean and in good repair and you can drop them off at our October dinner meeting.

USED BOOK SALE: Come to our October dinner meeting early--at 5:00 PM or so--to shop our annual used book sale.  Have books to donate? Bring only books that you would want to buy! All proceeds from the sale, as always, go entirely to scholarships we support.

 JAR or BOTTLE Silent Auction with a Twist

We will be raising money for our scholarships through "Silent Auction With a Twist"...our bottle or jar fundraiser.  It will be held in December. What can you put in a bottle or jar? Flowers, Christmas ornaments, homemade goodies, gift cards, a bottle of wine, mix for cookies, earrings, scarf, Christmas cookies...and the list goes on and on.  Be Creative!  We had some very creative items in the bottles and jars last year.

SNOWBIRDS:  You can participate too--even if you are not here in December.  Simply put an item in a bottle or jar for the scholarship fundraiser and give it to Cyndy Agle, Jean Hoshal or Jan Miland before you leave.


:  $6,780.76;   Savings Account: $1,695.39
  • Total Liquid Assets:  $ 8,476.15
DEDICATED FUNDS - Local Foundations:  $56,966.88  
Local Scholarship Itasca Community College Foundation:   $28,222   12/14 Ending Balance: new report year end 2015
  • $   19,269  (endowment – permanently restricted)
  • $     8,953  (temporarily restricted funds)
Community Foundation: Grand Rapids AAUW Anniversary Scholarships:  $28,744.88   (06/30/15 - 2nd Quarter Report)
  • GRACF (Endowed Fund):    $26,301.77
  • GRACF (non-endowed):       $2,443.11


Renewing: Betty Brandt (dual member of Hutchinson & Grand Rapids branches)
Home: (320) 587-9655  Cell: (218) 244-5219
1259 Bradford Street S.E., Hutchinson, MN 55350
Birthday: September 21
Mankato State University: BS-Educ.-Media, Home Ec; MS-Early Childhood Ed

WELCOME New Member Alexandra Zimmerman!
Home: 326-0420  Cell: (218) 565-8433
32616 County Road 326, Bovey, 55709
Birthday: January 25
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, AAS-Parks & Recreation; BA-History

Any member can start an interest group and recruit members to join.  The subject should have something to do with our mission and/or public policy issues.  We all like to learn and find new interests.  Any member is welcome to join any of our interest groups. A Writing group and group to promote a “vote yes for our kids” group have been suggested. Also several new members have suggested that they will help members get comfortable with all the new information and social systems.  So that can become a group. Groups plan for their own meeting time and communications system.  They do not have to meet monthly all year long. They can meet for a month or just in the summer, or for the duration of their stated purpose. If you are interested, please inform President Marj Lavalier or Program co-chairs Joann Bakken or Marilyn Rossman, who can help you get a group organized.

Do you like to play bridge? Why not join our AAUW monthly bridge group. The group meets at Majestic Pines Bistro at 11:30 AM for lunch, and then plays a few rounds of social bridge. We meet the first Thursday of each month except January, February, March and April.  We encourage any level of bridge player. Contact persons are: Anita Firman, Ann Clark, Pat Anderson, Mary Singsank, Carol Rassmussen, Betty Akre, Shirley Jacobson.

Open studio for painting is held at the MacRostie every Tuesday, 10 AM through the afternoon. Free for members; nonmembers pay $5. Margaret Z. Morris sends an email to those interested each week, including if this group will not meet some weeks. Bring your lunch. This is open for anyone of any level of painting or any media. We have watercolor and acrylic, and welcome other media.  No cost or instruction, learning from each other and having fun.  Margaret’s email: ipaint@paulbunyan.net or phone 999-9683.

LITERATURE – Monday group
Group meets on 1st Monday at 10:00 AM at Grand Rapids State Bank Annex.  For more info, contact Jan Hill, 246-9791 or jmhgkh@paulbunyan.net
    Oct. 5:  “The Boys in the Boat” by Daniel Brown, leader is Nancy Raymond

LITERATURE – Wednesday group
The group meets at 10:30AM on the 2nd Wednesday of the month, Grand Rapids Library, September-May. Contact is Barbara Zimmer, 327-0911.
Oct. 14:  “Windigo Island” by William Kent Krueger
Nov. 11: “The Pearl That Broke Its Shell” by Nadia Hasmimi

The group will meet Thurs., Oct. 8, 3:30 PM at the KAXE Meeting Room.
Victor Moen, Minnesota State Parole Director in our area, will be our guest speaker.  At our planning meeting in September, prison reform and reform in prison sentences was a topic we wanted to know more about.  We are interested in the scope of the issues, good questions to ask about current work on the issues and about the possibilities for change in the current sexual offender problem.  There seem to be few good solutions and the least bad solutions need to be examined. The public policy issues around these issues are very political and acute. Victor's task is to help us understand what questions must be asked, who is really involved, what are some of the suggestions, what research is being done, etc. The prison system and the punishment lobby, and the “get tough on crime” movement have not worked out well. There are always unintended consequences with any legislation. This issue has become a family issue and thus a women's issue.  The current system is very expensive and the results are not helpful for anyone involved. 

All AAUW members are invited to join our group. Guests are welcome. We need to know ahead of time as there is limited space at KAXE meeting room. To have your name added to our list for emails, please contact Karen Karls, k.karls@yahoo.com     or 326-2053. Questions: Marilyn Rossman, 326-6775 or Jean Halverson, 327-9158. 

We're still walking on Wednesday mornings at 9 AM but will switch to Tuesdays at 1 PM soon, depending on the weather and the wishes of the group. We generally walk for 1 to 1½ hours and then have coffee.  Typically we walk in the Grand Rapids area, local trails and neighborhoods, but also travel to some outlying county trails. Group is flexible and open and does not require weekly participation. Plans are generally made week-to-week by the participants; group members receive email notification of the upcoming location. To be added to the group email k.karls@yahoo.com or call 326-2053. This group is for all kinds of walkers (maybe not the hard-core speed walkers) and there is always lots of conversation.   


                             Myrna Peterson – 13       Marva Jean Hutchens - 22

** AAUW Minnesota News **

Reading the most recent issue of the Minnesota Pine, I noticed some changes in the officers listed on pages 22-23 of our member directory.  Please make the following changes if you wish. -  Lynette Eck

President Elect - Jan Bensen - St. Cloud area, 320-251-4213, jan.bensen@rbs.com
Vice President Program - Mary Ann Lucas-Houx – Duluth, 218-525-5040,     maryannhoux@gmail.com
Secretary/Historian - Lisa West, 651-587-2878
Pine Editor - Gail Glashan, 651-437-6356
Website - Teresa Sagen, tksagen@gmail.com

** AAUW National News **

Which woman will be on the next $10 bill?
To commemorate 100 years since the passage of the 19th Amendment (women’s right to vote) the U.S. Treasury has announced plans to put a woman on the $10 bill in 2020. While the bill won’t be circulated for another five years, Secretary of the U.S. Department of the Treasury Jacob Lew has called on Americans to submit suggestions for redesign of the $10 bill, including who should be on it.
Which woman would you choose to feature on the new $10? Submit your choice in the poll at http://www.aauw.org/2015/09/16/who-should-be-on-the-new-10-bill/#poll
In later October, AAUW will share the results at a private roundtable to discuss the new $10 bill redesign with U.S. Treasurer Rosie Rios…and will also announce the results on its website and social media channels.

September 28, 2015, 10:30 AM, Grand Rapids

Members present: Nancy Raymond, Cyndy Agle, Lynette Eck, Sharon Quern, Cheryl Vogel, Karen Karls, Shirley Jacobson, Jean Hoshal, Jan Hill, Marj Lavalier and Jan Miland.
The meeting was called to order by President, Marj Lavalier. The secretary’s minutes were approved.
The treasurer’s report shows a balance of $6,780 in the general checking account. The full report was given to the board members. She will present the budget in October.
The membership committee reported one new member. The AAUW blank cards are available for any use, such as thank-you notes.
Karen Karls will contact Mayor Dale Adams for information on our October meeting in the Grand Rapids Herald Review.
The Public Policy meeting will be held October 8, 4PM, at the KAXE building.
Jan Hill is the new hospitality person because Nancy Raymond is now on the new fundraising committee. Karen Lonson is new to the Historian committee.
Lynette thanked Connie Burley at the September regular meeting for setting up the directory process.
Cyndy mentioned that there were 17 more people than planned for at the September meeting, but the caterer graciously provided for all. Cyndy was thanked for setting up the meal plans for the year.
Jean said that the state scholarship funds, EF and LEF, have been combined into one fund. The scholarship recipients at ICC were not taking a full load, but it was agreed they should still receive the scholarships.
A discussion was held to give Nancy some direction for the fundraising committee.
Marj suggested we help with Amy Klobuchar’s visit to Grand Rapids. She also would like to pursue interviewing elder stateswomen in our AAUW group.
The October board meeting will be Monday, the 26th.
Respectfully submitted, Jan Miland, Secretary

September 21, 2015, 6:00 PM, YWCA, Grand Rapids

The September 21, 2015 Grand Rapids Chapter, AAUW meeting was held at the Methodist Church.
Dr. Bruce Thomas, Superintendent of Grand Rapid School District, spoke about the school referendum. He explained the need and the plan. He can’t ask people to vote “yes”, but after his speech Julie Fedge-Johnston, a citizen committee member urged everyone to vote “yes”.
Dinner was served after the speech and discussion. There were 49 people to eat, but only 32 reservations had been made. It made it difficult for the caterers, even though they stretched the food, the set-up committee, and Charmayne. She does a great job of letting each person know she has them counted and feels sad when members don’t make their reservations.
Jean Hoshal announced that a book fair will be held in October. Lynette Eck handed out the yearly information booklets. Marilyn asked Karen to read about an important woman—Arvonne Fraser—in history.
Marj recognized the guests and September birthday women.
Respectfully submitted, Jan Miland, Secretary


AAUW MINNESOTA www.aauwmn.net

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